Pamela Connellan on December 7, 2021

Only 38% of Australian Businesses are owned by women – BuyersCircle is ready to change that!
With over 344,000 new start-up businesses launching in Australia over the past decade, it’s still surprising to see that only 38% are female owned.
We are now inundated with limitless SaaS technology, education, and data intelligence to support a business’s success, so why are there still so few women leading start ups?
I think one reason is that the idea of starting, growing and maintaining a business is simply overwhelming, particularly if you are hoping to open your business whilst still holding down a job or looking after your family.
Many women conclude that there’s simply not enough hours in a day, so the start up dream gets put on the shelf.
That’s understandable. When you think about all you need to do to open a business – find a niche product, raise capital, create a brand identity, build a website and service infrastructure, source packaging, manage delivery logistics and storage, field customer service requests… who has time for all of this? For the average person, this sounds like an absolute nightmare.
But a few months ago, I was shown a new company that enables you to open a business and start selling straight away, without all the usual hassles. It’s called Buyers Circle, and I was so impressed with the company I immediately agreed to invest in it.
Imagine this: with BuyersCircle you can set up your own online business in under five minutes.
Think about that. In under five minutes you could be running your own successful online company! I find that amazing.
With BuyersCircle it doesn’t cost you any money to start selling, and it doesn’t cost you any time to start selling. You just choose what you want to sell from Buyers Circle’s huge range of products, send them out to your social network, then your friends buy from your store link and you start making money immediately. (You manage your business straight from your mobile app).
This concept is called ‘social e-Commerce’, and it’s taking the online world by storm.
BuyersCircle is disrupting the e-Commerce industry by making it so much easier for womenprenuers and mumprenuers to start their own e-Commerce business with quality products they can trust, stay connected to their social network and still have time for their family and friends.
No wonder the company is growing so fast!
For more information on BuyersCircle, visit here.
Stats & Resources:
Statista: Start-Up Rate in Australia 5.8%. For more info, visit here.
*New Business Entries in Australia: 344.5K
ASBFEO: “In Australia, about 38% of small businesses are owned by women and we are likely to see that number continue to grow. In the decade to 2019, of the 171,000 newly established businesses in Australia, two-thirds were led by women.”
Link to the article HERE